Friday, May 28, 2010

The Supply Of New Homes For Sale Just Dropped Off A Cliff

New Home Supply April 2009 - April 2010The supply of newly-built homes for sales plummeted in April, a positive indicator for the Scottsdale housing market as we head into the summer months.

It's no wonder that homebuilders are breaking new ground at the fastest clip in 2 years

At the current sales pace, the nation's complete supply of new homes would be sold in just 5 month's time.  That's more than double the pace of a year ago.

Also, as more good news, in terms of total housing units, the government reports that New Home Sales topped one half-million homes sold for the first time since May 2008.

It's a similar spike as within the Existing Home Sales data released earlier this week.

But before we declare the housing market "repaired in full", we have to consider a few of the reasons why home sales are charting so strongly.

The first reason is the federal homebuyer tax credit's April 30 expiration. In order to claim up to $8,000 in tax credits, home buyers must have been in mutual contract for a property before May 1. There is no doubt this contributed to a run-up in sales, especially among first-time home buyers.

The second reason is that mortgage rates have remained exceptionally low, defying expert predictions.  Low rates don't sell homes, but they do make monthly payments easier to manage for households torn between renting or buying.

And, lastly, March and April's new home sales may have been buoyed by aggressive discounting on behalf of homebuilders.  As compared to February 2010, April's average new home sale price was lower by 13 percent.  That's a sharp drop in a short period of time.

For now, though, homes are selling, supplies are dropping, and buyer interest is high. It's no wonder builder confidence is soaring.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Should You Refinance Your Mortgage?

Because of strife in Greece, Spain and North Korea, conforming mortgage rates are back to all-time lows. They're at levels not seen in 50 years.  For homeowners that missed the Refi Boom of November 2009, it's a second chance.

In this well-presented, 3-minute video from NBC's The Today Show, you'll get tips getting low rates and choosing the best time to lock in.

Some of the topics covered include:

  • Why were the experts wrong about rates moving higher this summer?
  • How much money can you save with a 1 point drop in your interest rate?
  • Should you buy a bigger home now that rates have fallen?

The advice in the piece is matter-of-fact and centered.  There is no cheerleading and the message is honest. Mortgage rates are low and they likely won't stay that way.  If you've been thinking about a refinance, talk to your loan officer as soon as possible.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Home Price Index Rises 0.3% in March 2010

Home Price Index from April 2007 peakHome values rose in March, according to the Federal Home Finance Agency's most recent Home Price Index. Values were reported higher by 0.3 percent, on average, from February.

We use the phrase "on average" because the Home Price Index is broad-reaching, national housing statistic. It ignores the dynamics of neighborhood real estate markets like Dove Valley as well as citywide markets like Cave Creek , too.

Instead, the Home Price Index focuses on state and regional statistics.

For example, in March 2010 as compared to February:

  • Values in the East South Central region rose 2.5%
  • Values in the Mountain states rose 1.1%
  • Values in the Middle Atlantic states fell 1.0%

Of course, none of this data is especially helpful for today's home buyers and sellers.

Real estate is a local phenomenon that can't be summarized by state or region. What matters most to buyers and sellers is the economics of a neighborhood and that level of granularity can't be served up by a national housing report like the Home Price Index.

The Home Price Index data is additionally unhelpful to buyers and sellers in that it reports on a 2-month delay.

In other words, Home Price Index is not even a fair reflection of today's market -- it highlights the real estate market as it existed 60 days ago.

So why is the Home Price Index even published? Because government, business and banks rely on the reports.  As a national indicator, the Home Price Index helps governments make policy, businesses make decisions, and banks make guidelines. This, in turn, trickles down to Main Street where it impacts every one of us -- and eventually influences real estate.

Since peaking in April 2007, the Home Price Index is off 13.44 percent.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Home Supplies Tick Higher, Creating An Opening For Today's Home Buyers

Existing Home Sales Apr 2009-Apr 2010Sales of existing homes rose in April, buoyed by an expiring home buyer tax credit and exceptionally low mortgage rates.

As compared to March, April's Existing Home Sales rose by 410,000 units nationwide -- the second straight month of large gains. An "existing home" is a home resold by a prior owner (i.e. not new construction).

It's a solid report for housing overall, with rising sales suggesting that the real estate market's recovery is ongoing. However, the data presented a mixed message.

According to the National Association of Realtors®, although the number of homes sold ticked higher in April,  so did the supply of existing homes for sale, too.

Sellers are now listing homes faster than buyers can buy them.

After adding another 0.3 months of supply in April, resale home supply is nearly two full months larger than at November 2009's low-point. This put downward pressure on home prices.

Furthermore, because 49% of April's buyers were first-time buyers and the tax credit has since ended, we can expect that sellers will continue to outweigh buyers in the months ahead.

It presents an interesting opportunity for June's home buyers. Mortgage rates are still at their lowest levels of the year -- despite expert predictions to the contrary -- and homes remain affordable. Plus, in a lot of markets, home values have started to creep higher.

There's good values and good rates but neither should last long. For the next few weeks, real estate may be in its 2010 sweet spot. 

If you were thinking of moving in September of this year or later, consider moving up your timeframe.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Video : The Right Way To Water A Garden

From one pot to a lush garden, we all have plants for which to care in our lives. But are they getting the right amount of water?  Too little water and the plant dies. Too much water and root rot sets in.

In general, plants want 1 inch of water per week but Mother Nature doesn't always provide. It's up to us to make up the difference.

In this short video from ExpertVillage, Doug Smiddy shows us how to make sure our plants get the right amount of water they need to survive. He answers questions including:

  • How do you know if your plants need water right now?
  • What is best time of day to water outdoor plants?
  • What is the proper way to water a plant?

The video runs a little bit over 2 minutes and is stocked with helpful tips. If you care for any plants in your life, it's a must-watch video.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Home Opportunity Index Ranks 225 Metro Areas For Affordability

Home Affordability - Top and Bottom 5 markets 2010 Q1

With home prices still relatively low and mortgage rates trolling near their all-time best levels, it's no surprise that home affordability is extraordinarily high in Scottsdale and most U.S. markets.

According to the quarterly Home Opportunity Index as published by the National Association of Home Builders, more than 72 percent of all new and existing homes sold between January-March 2010 were affordable to families earning the national median income.

It's the second highest reading in the survey's history.

Of course, on a city-by-city basis, home affordability varies. 

In the first quarter of 2010, for example, 98.7% of homes sold in Bay City, Michigan were affordable for families earning the area's median income and in Indianapolis, the percentage was almost 95 percent.

Indianapolis has held the top quarterly ranking for close to 5 years now.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, the New York-White Plains, NY-Wayne, NJ region earned the "least affordable" metropolitan area for the 8th consecutive quarter.  Just 20.9% of homes are affordable to families earning the local median income.

The rankings for all 225 metro areas are available on the NAHB website but regardless of where your town ranks, home affordability remains high as compared to historical values but it likely won't last long.  Home values are recovering in many markets and mortgage rates won't stay this low forever.

All things equal, buying a home may never come this cheap again. If you were planning to buy later this year, consider moving up your timeframe.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Fed's April Minutes Push Mortgage Rates Even Lower

FOMC April 2010 Minutes

After starting the day in the red, mortgage rates rebounded Wednesday afternoon after the Federal Reserve released its April 27-28, 2010 meeting minutes.

It's good news for home buyers and would-be refinancers in Phoenix.  Mortgage rates continue to troll along multi-year lows.

"Fed Minutes" are lengthy, detailed recaps of Federal Open Market Committee meetings, not unlike the minutes you'd see after a corporate conference, or condo association gathering. The Federal Reserve publishes Fed Minutes 3 weeks after each respective FOMC get-together.

The Fed meets 8 times annually.

Because of the minutes' content and density, it's of tremendous value to Wall Street and investors.  Fed Minutes provide a glimpse into the conversations and debates that shape the country's monetary policy.

The broad scope of the published meeting minutes are in sharp contrast to the more well-known, post-meeting press release which reads more like a policy summary.

And the extra words matter.

Here's some of what the Fed discussed last month:

  • On Greece : A crisis in Greece could slow U.S. domestic growth
  • On housing : Despite government support, growth appears to have stalled
  • On its mortgage buyback program : There's little reason to sell mortgage bonds right now

When the markets saw the Fed Minutes, what had been a down day for bond markets turned positive. The less-than-sunny outlook for the near-term U.S. economy sparked bond sales, pushing prices higher.

Mortgage rates move opposite mortgage bond prices.

Wall Street is always in search of clues from inside the Fed about what's next for the economy and post-FOMC minutes usually give good fodder.  April's meeting was no different.

For now, mortgage rates remain near all-time lows but once the Eurozone issues are settled, rates are likely to rise. If you haven't locked a mortgage rate, your window may be closing.  Once the economy is turning around for certain, mortgage bonds will be among the first of the casualties.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Right Way To Take A Cash Gift For Downpayment

How to accept a cash gift on a mortgageAs lenders tighten mortgage guidelines for Phoenix home buyers, minimum downpayment requirements are increasing.  Several years ago, you could finance a home with nothing down. Today, most conventional mortgages require at least 10 percent.

Anecdotally, guideline changes have led to an increase in the number of home buyers accepting cash gifts from family.

Gifts are allowed in most cases but the problem is, if you don't accept the gift in a "lender-friendly" way, the mortgage underwriter could reject it, and negate it.

You can't just deposit a cash gift into your bank account. You have to follow a series of steps and keep records.

  1. Provide an acceptable gift letter signed by all parties
  2. Provide documentation of the gifter's withdrawal of funds via teller receipts
  3. Provide documentation of the giftee's deposit of funds via teller receipts

Lenders require these 3 steps for two basic reasons.  First, they want to make sure that the cash gift is "clean" (i.e. not laundered).  Second, they want to make sure the gift is really a gift and not a loan-in-disguise.

It's why lenders typically require that the loan application be accompanied by a signed, dated letter.

For example:

I am the [relationship to recipient] of [name of recipient] and this letter serves as evidence that I am gifting [name of recipient] [amount of gift] to be used for the purchase of the home at [complete address of property].

This is a gift -- not a loan -- and there is no expectation of repayment.

[Signature of gifter]

As an additional step, home buyers receiving cash gifts should make sure that gifted funds are not commingled at the time of deposit. If the cash gift is for $10,000, therefore, the bank's deposit slip should indicate that a $10,000 deposit was made -- nothing more, nothing less. Don't add a random $100 deposit to the transaction, in other words. The $100 deposit should be a separate transaction.

It's also worth noting that gifting funds between family members can create both legal and tax liabilities.  If you're unsure about how donating or receiving a gift may impact you, call or email me directly.  If I can't help you with your questions, I can refer you to somebody that can.

Monday, May 17, 2010

A Dual-Edged Roller Knife To Make Your Chopped Salads Easier

OXO Good Grips Salad Chopper and Bowl

With the Oxo Salad Chopper, making chopped salad for the family and/or friends is both faster and safer. 

Using a dual-blade roller knife similar to a pizza cutter, the ergonomic Salad Chopper cuts lettuce, vegetables, fruits, meats and nuts with just a few rolls.  There's no need for a separate cutting board (and no worries of slicing a finger).

Made from stainless steel, the angle-handled roller is built to trace the curves of the accompanying Oxo bowl. The blades remain in constant contact with the plastic and the rim has a built-on grip to help you get a handle on your work.

The 5.5-quart bowl is big enough for 6 servings and is dishwasher-safe.  Oxo says you can serve in it, too, but that's up to you.

Trade in store-bought salad bags and opt for something fresher.  Oxo's Salad Chopper sells on for $25.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Your Mortgage Approval Isn't Final Until It's Funded

Approval not final until fundedA mortgage approval is never final until it's funded.

A host of things can "go wrong" while your home loan is underway. Some are in your control, many more are not.  And just being aware of some potential pitfalls could help save your loan down the road, and your peace of mind today.

MSN Money ran a summary piece on the topic titled "10 Things That Can Kill A Home Loan".

It's an excellent article because, unlike most "get approved" articles that advise against things like buying a car before closing, or opening a bunch of new credit cards, the MSN Money piece addresses more uncommon factors that can lead to a similar loan turndown.

For example, a home may be unfundable if it's unsuitable for human habitation -- a condition you may not discover until after a thorough home inspection's been made. Broken windows, lack of plumbing, and/or major foundation damage are all deal-breakers with a lender. 

Either fix the home prior to closing, or don't close at all.

Homes in "declining markets" have danger spots, too. Especially for conforming mortgage applicants with less than 20% equity.

Because of how private mortgage insurers operate, some homes carry tougher, ZIP code-based PMI eligibility requirements. As a mortgage applicant, it's important to understand this because you may be PMI-eligible in one neighborhood, but not in another.

There's others ways in which a mortgage approval can go bad, too:

  • You're self-employed and your income was lower last year versus the year prior
  • Your tax return shows large amounts of unreimbursed employee expenses
  • You failed to return required paperwork to the lender within a reasonable time frame

Mortgage approvals are delicate and, despite an improving economy, lenders still operate with caution. Talk with your real estate agent and your loan officer and put together a game plan.

The best way to beat the mortgage system is to know the rules before you start to play.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Foreclosure Activity Slows For The First Time In Several Years

Foreclosure concentration, by state (April 2010)The national foreclosure rate is finally falling.

According to foreclosure-tracking firm, the number of foreclosure notices dropped 2 percent between April 2009 and April 2010.

2 percent may not seem like much, but it's the first time in the history of the RealtyTrac report that the annual foreclosure rate has dropped.

To be sure, foreclosure rates remain elevated -- more than 300,000 were reported last month, but default notices appear to be approaching a plateau.

The RealtyTrac report shows some other interesting statistics, too:

  • 6 states accounted for more than half of April's bank repossessions nationwide
  • For the 40th month in a row, Nevada topped the nation's foreclosure rate
  • Foreclosure rates dropped in both California and Arizona, 2 foreclosure hot-spots through 2009

The good news for housing doesn't stop there.  9 of the top 10 leading metropolitan areas for foreclosure-related activity showed a drop in annual activity.  Only Reno, Nevada showed an increase.

Buying distressed homes is big business, according to the National Association of Realtors®, accounting for 35 percent of all home resales with a typical discount ranging near 15 percent on value.

But with the discount comes some caution. You need to know how buying a foreclosed can be different from buying a non-foreclosed home.

For example, distressed properties are often sold as-is and may have defects that render them "un-lendable".  Secondly, "quick closings" aren't usually possible with bank-owned homes -- you're often at the bank's schedule and mercy.

And, lastly, not all foreclosed homes are searchable online. You'll usually find more stock if you work with a real estate agent versus searching online.

The RealtyTrac foreclosure report is thorough and can help you gauge what's happening on a state-by-state level, and in the nation's largest metropolitan areas.  Once you've done your research, talk to your real estate agent about what to do next.

There's still good deals in the foreclosure market — you just have to know where to find them.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Relocate America's Top 100 Places To Live (2010 Edition)

Relocate America Top 100 Places To LiveRelocate America recently released its 2010 list of Top 100 Places To Live In America. The rankings are topped by some cities you may expect, and some you may not.

According to Relocate America, the rankings highlight communities "moving in the right direction", defined as having a combination of strong leadership, job opportunities, improving real estate markets, recreational options and a good quality of life.

It's not a bad formula and topping the list of Top 100 Places To Live In America is Huntsville, Alabama.  Huntsville was chosen for its low levels of unemployment, stable housing stock, and low cost of living.  Last year, Huntsville placed fifth on the Relocate America list.

The Top 10 cities in which to live, as selected by Relocate America are:

  1. Huntsville, AL
  2. Washington, DC
  3. Austin, TX
  4. San Diego, CA
  5. San Antonio, TX
  6. Tulsa, OK
  7. Charlotte, NC
  8. Raleigh, NC
  9. Boulder, CO
  10. Minneapolis, MN

View the complete Top 100 Places To Live In America 2010 list at the Relocate America website.

Relocate America's Top 100 Places To Live (2010 Edition)

Relocate America Top 100 Places To LiveRelocate America recently released its 2010 list of Top 100 Places To Live In America. The rankings are topped by some cities you may expect, and some you may not.

According to Relocate America, the rankings highlight communities "moving in the right direction", defined as having a combination of strong leadership, job opportunities, improving real estate markets, recreational options and a good quality of life.

It's not a bad formula and topping the list of Top 100 Places To Live In America is Huntsville, Alabama.  Huntsville was chosen for its low levels of unemployment, stable housing stock, and low cost of living.  Last year, Huntsville placed fifth on the Relocate America list.

The Top 10 cities in which to live, as selected by Relocate America are:

  1. Huntsville, AL
  2. Washington, DC
  3. Austin, TX
  4. San Diego, CA
  5. San Antonio, TX
  6. Tulsa, OK
  7. Charlotte, NC
  8. Raleigh, NC
  9. Boulder, CO
  10. Minneapolis, MN

View the complete Top 100 Places To Live In America 2010 list at the Relocate America website.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Shopping For Mortgage Rates Is Part Research Skills, Part Luck

Good luck charms and mortgage ratesShopping multiple lenders for a "good mortgage rate" can sometimes save you 1/8 percent on your rate and/or a few hundred dollars in fees. However, when it comes to getting the best mortgage rate, you're going to more than good research skills.

You're going to need some luck.

Mortgage rates for people in Arizona or anywhere else, for that matter, are unpredictable, ever-changing, and rarely change as expected.

For example, when the Federal Reserve left the mortgage market March 31, 2010, analysts said that mortgage rates would rise by a half-percent or more. It was practically stated as fact on TV.  When April 1 came around, though, rates didn't rise.

Instead, a volcano erupted and mortgage rates dropped on safe haven buying.

Then, a week later, as  the volcano ash cleared, mortgage rates were supposed to resume their rise. Only they didn't. Instead, a debt crisis emerged in the Eurozone and mortgage rates dropped.

Since March 31, conforming mortgage rates are lower by roughly 0.125 percent, according to Freddie Mac's weekly mortgage rate survey.  At today's rates, the savings are roughly $20 per month per $200,000 borrowed -- or $100 per month based on their original, post-March 31 forecast.

It brings us to one of the most important axioms in rate shopping: You can't shop for good luck.

  • On some days, rates go higher
  • On some days, rates go lower
  • On some days, rates stay the same

Occasionally, there are days when rates do all three.

As a home buyer or would-be refinancer, what rate you get depends on at what time of day you do your shopping.

You can't predict what will happen next in mortgage markets -- even just an hour from now. Therefore, the smartest move, sometimes, is just lock your rate now.  At least that way, you've got a guarantee.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Your Microwave Wastes $70 Per Year And Other Vampire Energy Facts

Even when they're not "on", a multitude of everyday home appliances continue to draw power from the grid, raising home energy bills and increasing atmospheric emissions. These so-called "Energy Vampires" cost U.S. homeowners $4 billion, collectively, in 2005.

In 2010, that figure is likely higher.

In the video above, some of the more common Energy Vampires are highlighted. As an example of how costly standby power can be, researchers show that idle microwave ovens consume enough energy each day to pop an entire bag of microwave popcorn. Annually, the kind of energy consumption wastes close to $70 per household.

Other household Energy Vampires include:

  • Idle battery chargers
  • Computers in "standby" mode
  • Remote control sensors

Simply being aware of home energy-suckers is one easy way to reduce your electricity bill and do something good for the environment. The video shows you how you can both.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Markets Ignore The April Jobs Report And It's Good News For Mortgage Rates

Unemployment Rate 2007-2010On the first Friday of every month, the U.S. government releases its Non-Farm Payrolls report. 

More commonly called "the jobs report", Non-Farm Payrolls is a major market mover. The number of working Americans is directly tied to the health of the economy which, in turn, drives the stock and bond markets.

In general, when jobs numbers improve, it's good for stocks and bad for mortgage bonds. It follows, therefore, that conforming mortgage rates in Arizona rise because rates always move opposite of mortgage bond prices.

Conversely, when jobs numbers worsen, it tends to be bad for stocks and good for mortgage bonds.  Mortgage rates fall.

Today, markets are behaving a bit differently.

Despite 290,000 jobs created in April 2010 -- nearly twice the expected amount -- and a 40 percent upward revision of March's numbers, mortgage rates are essentially unchanged. 

In a normal environment, rates would be higher.  Today is not normal.

Today is a departure because, for all of the jobs report's import to Wall Street, it's less important to markets than what's happening in Greece right now.

Greece is struggling to meet its debt obligations and its citizens are rioting.

Until a debt solution for Greece is made that sticks, unrest in the region will drive safe haven buying both domestically and abroad. U.S. mortgage bonds will gain on that movement because mortgage bonds are "safe", and mortgage rates will fall.

Indeed, this is exactly what's been happening since the start of April. Mortgage markets have been rallying for 5 weeks.

So, today's jobs news is terrific for the economy and mortgage rates should be rising because of it.  But, they're not. Consider taking advantage -- lock in a rate.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

1 In 8 Banks Tightened Prime Mortgage Standards Last Quarter

Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending PracticesThe Federal Reserve says that financial markets "remain supportive of economic growth". Residential mortgage guidelines, however, continue to tighten.

If you've applied for a home loan recently, you probably felt it; extra scrutiny on income, assets and credit scores, among other things.  The hard proof of the changes, however, can be found in the Federal Reserve's quarterly survey of its member banks.

Every 3 months, the Federal Reserve asks senior bank loan officers around the country whether their respective banks' "prime" residential mortgage guidelines tightened since the last survey.

For the period January-March 2010, 1 in 8 banks surveyed toughened their qualification standards

Only 4% loosened them.

When we account for the Fed's survey in conjunction with new underwriting standards from Fannie Mae and FHA, it's clear that getting approved for a mortgage in 2010 is more difficult than at any time in recent memory.

Today's homeowners and home buyers in Phoenix have taller hurdles to leap:

  • Minimum FICO scores are higher
  • Downpayment/equity requirements are larger
  • Debt-to-Income thresholds are smaller

In other words, mortgage rates may stay low throughout 2010, but that won't matter to homeowners failing to meet the new, minimum eligibility standards as set forth by the lenders.

If you're among the many people wondering if now is the right time to buy or refinance a home, remember that -- along with a probable increase in mortgage rates -- mortgage approvals are getting more scarce.

The best home price or mortgage rate in the world won't matter if you're ineligible for financing.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

March Pending Home Sales Point To Stronger Spring Market

Pending Home Sales September 2008 March 2010The Pending Home Sales Index moved higher in March as home sales were spurred by low mortgage rates and an expiring tax credit.

A "pending home" is a property that is under contract to sell, but not yet closed.

March marks the second straight month in which the Pending Home Sales Index improved after a series of weak showings this past winter.

March showed a 5 percent increase over the month, but the Pending Home Sales Index is still off its October 2009's peak.  October 2009 is a comparable period to March 2010 in that it marked the 1-month deadline before the home buyer tax credit's initial expiration date. The credit was later extended to April 2010, of course.

That said, March's surge in sales is being felt on the street.

Home buyers in Cave Creek no doubt noticed the change in activity. Around the country, anecdotally, multiple offer situations were more common last month and "right-priced" homes tended to go under contract quickly.

The increase in March's Pending Home Sales is diminishing the nation's home supply which, in turn, should cause prices to rise in most markets -- including Tramonto.

Today's buyers should consider making an offer sooner rather than later.  Looking at the data, it appears the best time to have found a "deal" on a home may have been in February.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Short Sale in Anthem Arizona

Fannie Mae Tightens Guidelines On ARMs And Interest Only Products

Fannie Mae tightens its mortgage guidelinesFor the first time this year, Fannie Mae announced significant updates to its mortgage underwriting guidelines.

The changes include newer, harsher ARM qualification standards, the elimination of a once-popular loan product, and tighter rules for interest only mortgages. 

Fannie Mae made its official announcement April 30, 2010.  The changes will roll out to home buyers and homeowners in Phoenix and everywhere else over the next 12 weeks.

The first guideline change is tied to ARMs of 5 years or less. 

Mortgage applicants must now qualify based on a mortgage rate 2% higher than their note rate.  For example, if your mortgage rate is 5 percent, for qualification purposes, your rate would be 7 percent.

The elevated qualification payment will disqualify borrowers whose debt-to-income levels are borderline.

The second change is Fannie Mae's elimination of the standard 7-year balloon mortgage.  Balloon mortgages were popular early last decade.  Lately, few borrowers have chosen them, though.  Mostly because rates have been relative high as compared to a comparable 7-year ARM.

And, lastly, Fannie Mae is changing its interest only mortgages guidelines.

Effective June 19, 2010, Fannie Mae interest only mortgages must meet the following criteria:

  1. The home must be a 1-unit property
  2. The home must be a primary residence, or vacation home
  3. The borrower's FICO must be 720 or higher
  4. The mortgage must be a purchase, or rate-and-term refinance. No "cash out" allowed.

Furthermore, borrowers using interest only mortgages must show two full years of mortgage payments "in the bank" at the time of closing.

Earlier this year, Fannie Mae-sister Freddie Mac announced that as of September 2010, it will stop offering interest only loans altogether.

Between Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the FHA, and other government-supported entities, the U.S. government now backs 96.5% of the U.S. mortgage market.  So long as mortgage default rates are high, expect approvals for all borrower types to continue to toughen.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Shopping For Mattresses, Or How Buy A Good Night's Sleep

NBC's The Today Show hosted Consumer Reports for its take on mattresses. Some of the results may surprise you.

At 7 minutes, the video is long, but it's stuffed with helpful comfort tips, including the scientific reason why a mattress should be replaced every 8 years or so.  Some of the other advice includes:

  • How to reduce morning aches and pains with proper pillow choices
  • Why "hot sleepers" should stay away from memory foam
  • How to properly test a mattress in the store before you buy it

After its testing and a series of interviews with consumer and industry workers, Consumer Reports also concludes that -- for a queen-sized bed -- a $1,000 list price is going to give you "a lot of bed"; there's little need to spend more.  And, furthermore, because mattress prices are usually negotiable by half-off or more off, you could buy that $1,000 mattress at a significant discount.

More than 70% of people successfully negotiate lower mattress prices.

Consumer Reports acknowledges that there's no "#1 mattress", per se, because mattresses are a personal fit in terms of both firmness and size.  With respect to durability, however, most will last for years.